

In 1990 in Hong Kong, Peng Xiaolong, a Frenchman of Chinese decent, created Longco, an import and wholesale firm for automobile body tools and materials. At that time, the Chinese automobile market was still regulated and limited to large firms, as it only became possible to obtain a bank loan in 1998. In 2003, the market presented a growth rate of 60%. Despite a more difficult year in 2004, 2005 looks promising, as importation quotas are to be lifted. Longco now lists 1500 products. It has set up a network of resellers that covers the whole of the Chinese territory.


East-West: two different worlds that are having to live and work together more and more. Understanding each other better and learning how to take advantage of each other’s strong points will be the economic and cultural challenge in the years to come.


当今中国企业年轻经营管理者,已经形成了一股新势力, 并如火如荼地兴旺发展。 经常出现在谈判桌上外商面前的中国企业谈判对手, 往往是二十几到三十几岁, 外商时时感觉到对手只有自己儿女般大, 不无感到很大的震撼。


L’entrée de la Chine dans l’OMC a intensifié l’échange économique entre la Chine et les autres pays et de plus en plus de commerçants et d’entrepreneurs étrangers, attirés par l’énorme potentialité du marché chinois, viennent en Chine.


 汽车后市场的定义:  汽车后市场有不同的定义,归纳起来有三种主要定义:定义之一是消费者在使用汽车的过程中所发生的与汽车有关的费用,具体维修、保养、零配件、美容、改装、油品等服务;定义之二是整车落地销售后,车主所需的一切服务;定义之三是汽车产业链的有机组成部分,包括汽车销售领域的金融服务、汽车租赁、保险、广告、装潢、维护、维修与保养;日常运行的油品;驾校、停车场、车友俱乐部、救援系统、交通信息服务、二手车等;整车与零部件物流等。


